Monday, September 7, 2015

Current Style Sheet Changed after PeopleTools Upgrade from 8.49 to 8.54

This is to explain how to change the look and feel of the PeopleSoft Application. There are several style sheets available in PeopleSoft which can be used to change the appearance of PeopleSoft Application. Oracle sets a default style sheet for each application version.
Below is the list of default Style Sheet for different Application Version.
9.0 and earlier – PSSTYLEDEF

To Find the Current Style Sheet used in PeopleSoft

1. Navigate to PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > PeopleTools Options 
Check for the value of ‘Style Sheet Name’.

2. Navigate to PeopleTools > Portal > Portal Utilities > System Options
Check for the value of ‘Style Sheet Name’.

3. Naviate to PeopleTools > Portal > Portal Utlities > Registry Options
You will find the value if you have any registry options set for any Portal.

4. Run the Following SQL
To change your Style Sheet name, you need to go to each of the above navigation and change the value of ‘Style Sheet Name’. Clear App Server, Web Server cache for changes to take effect.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Access Denied, unable to post file(s) to repository. (63,124)

Reports are not posted by the Distribution Agent when the HTTP transfer method is configured. The PSDSTSRV process is running, but the reports still do not post.

Looking at the .stdout file shows the following error:

"Access Denied, unable to post file(s) to repository. (63,124)

SchedulerTransfer Servlet error. (63,74)
OprId = VP1


This issue occurred because the oprid starting the Process Scheduler as defined in the psprcs.cfg file did not have the "ProcessSchedulerAdmin" role.

To resolve this issue, ensure the oprid starting the Process Scheduler has been given the "ProcessSchedulerAdmin" role.

1. On the affected Process Scheduler, navigate to PSHOME/appserv/prcs/<domain name>/.
2. Open the psprcs.cfg file and take note of the "UserID" value.
3. Launch PIA and navigate to PeopleTools - Security - User Profile and open the profile for the UserID from step 2.
4. Select the Roles tab and ensure the "ProcessSchedulerAdmin" role and "ReportDistAdmin" roles have been assigned to the ID.
5. Save any changes and bounce the Process Scheduler(s) for the setting to take effect

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Error! SQR Failed To Process

Users ran custom SQR process from windows PSNT scheduler and it is going ERROR and POSTED.

Error from Message Log:
Process Request shows status of 'INITIATED' or 'PROCESSING' but no longer running

Error from View Log Trace File:
PeopleTools 8 - PSSQR
Copyright (c) 1988-2007 PeopleSoft, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

Database Type: Oracle
Database Name: FSDEV10
Report Name: XRFWIN
Process Instance: 3457710
Run Control ID: 1
Language Code: ENG
Output Destination Type: WEB
Output Destination Format: PDF
Output Destination: E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710
Output Directory (SQOT): E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710
Log Directory (SQLG): E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710
SQR Flags: -ZIFE:\peoplesoft\fsdev\SQR\PSSQRENG.INI
Log File (SQLF): E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710\XRFWIN_3457710.out
Include File (SQIN): E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710\;E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\uesqr\;E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\sqr\;\;\
File (FILE_1): E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710\XRFWIN_3457710.PDF

SQR Command = E:\PeopleSoft\fsdev\bin\sqr\ORA\BINW\sqrw E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\sqr\XRFWIN.sqr */*@FSDEV10 -oE:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710\XRFWIN_3457710.out -xmb -xcb -xi -iE:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710\;E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\uesqr\;E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\sqr\;\;\ -zifE:\peoplesoft\fsdev\SQR\PSSQR.INI "-fE:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710\XRFWIN_3457710.PDF" -PRINTER:PD FSDEV10 3457710 VP1 1
Error! SQR Failed To Process

                      --  Started validating the issue by running sample SQR process from PSNT process scheduler and issue persist by going to ERROR and POSTED.
                      -- Tried running Sample process ran from PSUNX process scheduler and it went to SUCCESS and POSTED.

        1. Stop the process scheduler on PSNT scheduler.
        2. Clear the Cache.
        3. Re-boot the Windows server on which Process scheduler is running.
        4. Start the process scheduler on PSNT scheduler.
        5. Ran sample SQR process and it went to SUCCESS and POSTED.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Debugging disabled. Communication failure during connect(): 0. (143,9)

PeopleTools 8.53.12 - Application Engine
Copyright (c) 1988-2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All Rights Reserved

 Message Set Number: 143
 Message Number: 9
 Message Reason: Debugging disabled. Communication failure during connect(): 0. (143,9)
 Message Set Number: 0
 Message Number: 0
 Message Reason: Debugging has been forcibly disabled do to a Configuration or Communication problem. (0,0)

Solution: Need to update host entries with the application server IP address and hostname
                Location - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
                File Name - hosts
                Example -      

Friday, July 3, 2015

Installation of COBOL license on Linux environemnt

Installation of Micro Focus License Manager on Linux environment.

1. Log in to the server as root user

2. [root@ ]# cd /opt/cobol/microfocus/mflmf

3. [root@ mflmf]# ls
aslmf  INSTMAIN.S  lmfdbrecover  lmfnewdb.gnt    mflmadm     mflm_cmd     mflmfd
bin    lang        lmfgetpv      LMFOPTPLATFORM  mflm_admin  mflmfdb      mflmfd
devas  lib         lmf-mess      LMFVERNO        mflmcmd     mflmfdb.idx  MF-LMF

4. Command to stop the License Manager
    ./lmfgetpv k
5. [root@mflmf]# ./mflmadm
x                  Micro Focus License Administration Services                 x
x                               Main Screen                                    x
x                                                                              x
x   Product Details:      Name        Server Express (Model 1)                 x
x                         Version                                              x
x                                                                              x
x   License Details:      Seat/Process        Seat                             x
x                         Units               0001                             x
x                         Duration            Unlimited                        x
x                         Type                DCH                              x
x                                                                              x
x   Issuing Details:      Issue Point         33795                            x
x                         Issuer              P                                x
x                         Foundry             N                                x
x                         Key Version         01                               x
x                                                                              x
x    License Key:    Serial  No       PEOPLESOFT-SX-DEV                        x
x                    License No       01030 10000 014A8 40305 8489             x
x                                                                              x
x                                                                              x
xF1=help F2=key F3=install F4=uninstall F5=browse F6=more F7=refresh    Escape x

6. [root@ mflmf]# ./mflmman
    MF-LMF:Tue Dec 17 02:31:05 2013: LMF Starting

7.[root@ mflmf]# ./lmfgetpv
License Manager version 129
Loaded from /opt/cobol/microfocus/mflmf
[root@ mflmf]#

8.[root@ mflmf]# ./lmfgetpv r
Refreshed ok
[root@ mflmf]#

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Running "udatacnv.sqr" report

Each of the upgrade data conversion sections contains comments that describe the processing performed by the section. 

PeopleSoft has delivered an SQR to list all of these comments by the group and sequence numbers that determine how they run. The name of this report is UDATACNV.
1. Using SQRW, run SQR UDATACNV on your Copy of Production database.
2. When prompted for Upgrade Path, enter:
3. When prompted for Group Number, enter the two-digit group number to report on, or enter 0 to see the comments for all groups.

You can get the Upgrade Path and Group Number using the below sequel statements:



Integration Gateway - External System Contact Error (158,10721)

Users were unable to access the "Find Learning" Page in ELM 9.2 application:

Integration Gateway - External System Contact Error (158,10721)

Integration Gateway was not able to contact the external system.  The network location specified may be incorrect, or the site is permanently or temporarily down

Integration Broker encountered an error (262,1020) PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.MESSAGE.SESRequest.OnExecute  Name:Send  PCPC:688  Statement:16
Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.QueryService.OnExecute  Name:startSession  Statement:411
Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.QueryService.OnExecute  Name:doService  Statement:434
Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.QueryService.OnExecute  Name:ExecuteQuery  Statement:47
Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.Query.OnExecute  Name:Execute  Statement:39
Called from:LM_SEARCH.SESSearch.OnExecute  Name:GetResults  Statement:403
Called from:LM_SEAR

Integration Broker encountered an error


 Very first thing is to validate the SES configuration under Main Menu> PeopleTools>Search Framework>Administration>Search Instance

Click on Search button and perform all the tests under "Search Instance Properties". All should give a status as SUCCESS.

In my case none of the tests related to SES are working. Bounced the SES services and then the  as bellow:

1. Login with admin user to the server were you configured SES. /data/Oracle/product/
3../searchctl stopall
It will take sometime to stop the services of Database tier and Middle tier. Once it is done you start the services back using the below command.
4../searchctl startall
5. Validated and able to access the "Find Learning" page successfully.

Note: This has resolved my issue but we required to check the other areas related to Integration Broker setup because you may face this issue even if the Ping Gateway is not working.