Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Access Denied, unable to post file(s) to repository. (63,124)

Reports are not posted by the Distribution Agent when the HTTP transfer method is configured. The PSDSTSRV process is running, but the reports still do not post.

Looking at the .stdout file shows the following error:

"Access Denied, unable to post file(s) to repository. (63,124)

SchedulerTransfer Servlet error. (63,74)
OprId = VP1


This issue occurred because the oprid starting the Process Scheduler as defined in the psprcs.cfg file did not have the "ProcessSchedulerAdmin" role.

To resolve this issue, ensure the oprid starting the Process Scheduler has been given the "ProcessSchedulerAdmin" role.

1. On the affected Process Scheduler, navigate to PSHOME/appserv/prcs/<domain name>/.
2. Open the psprcs.cfg file and take note of the "UserID" value.
3. Launch PIA and navigate to PeopleTools - Security - User Profile and open the profile for the UserID from step 2.
4. Select the Roles tab and ensure the "ProcessSchedulerAdmin" role and "ReportDistAdmin" roles have been assigned to the ID.
5. Save any changes and bounce the Process Scheduler(s) for the setting to take effect

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Error! SQR Failed To Process

Users ran custom SQR process from windows PSNT scheduler and it is going ERROR and POSTED.

Error from Message Log:
Process Request shows status of 'INITIATED' or 'PROCESSING' but no longer running

Error from View Log Trace File:
PeopleTools 8 - PSSQR
Copyright (c) 1988-2007 PeopleSoft, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

Database Type: Oracle
Database Name: FSDEV10
Report Name: XRFWIN
Process Instance: 3457710
Run Control ID: 1
Language Code: ENG
Output Destination Type: WEB
Output Destination Format: PDF
Output Destination: E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710
Output Directory (SQOT): E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710
Log Directory (SQLG): E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710
SQR Flags: -ZIFE:\peoplesoft\fsdev\SQR\PSSQRENG.INI
Log File (SQLF): E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710\XRFWIN_3457710.out
Include File (SQIN): E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710\;E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\uesqr\;E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\sqr\;\;\
File (FILE_1): E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710\XRFWIN_3457710.PDF

SQR Command = E:\PeopleSoft\fsdev\bin\sqr\ORA\BINW\sqrw E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\sqr\XRFWIN.sqr */*@FSDEV10 -oE:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710\XRFWIN_3457710.out -xmb -xcb -xi -iE:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710\;E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\uesqr\;E:\peoplesoft\fsdev\sqr\;\;\ -zifE:\peoplesoft\fsdev\SQR\PSSQR.INI "-fE:\peoplesoft\fsdev\appserv\prcs\FSDEV10\log_output\SQR_XRFWIN_3457710\XRFWIN_3457710.PDF" -PRINTER:PD FSDEV10 3457710 VP1 1
Error! SQR Failed To Process

                      --  Started validating the issue by running sample SQR process from PSNT process scheduler and issue persist by going to ERROR and POSTED.
                      -- Tried running Sample process ran from PSUNX process scheduler and it went to SUCCESS and POSTED.

        1. Stop the process scheduler on PSNT scheduler.
        2. Clear the Cache.
        3. Re-boot the Windows server on which Process scheduler is running.
        4. Start the process scheduler on PSNT scheduler.
        5. Ran sample SQR process and it went to SUCCESS and POSTED.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Debugging disabled. Communication failure during connect(): 0. (143,9)

PeopleTools 8.53.12 - Application Engine
Copyright (c) 1988-2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All Rights Reserved

 Message Set Number: 143
 Message Number: 9
 Message Reason: Debugging disabled. Communication failure during connect(): 0. (143,9)
 Message Set Number: 0
 Message Number: 0
 Message Reason: Debugging has been forcibly disabled do to a Configuration or Communication problem. (0,0)

Solution: Need to update host entries with the application server IP address and hostname
                Location - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
                File Name - hosts
                Example -