Friday, May 29, 2015

DBMS_METADATA package has got corrupted / invalid.

Error "Failed SQL stmt: SELECT DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('TABLE',:1) from dual" in Production environment. 
This error is related to database and  because of "DBMS_METADATA" package has got corrupted / invalid.

 For this we need to work with your DBA team to resolve the issue.

Filename = PSBUILD.LOG
See the following error:
Failed SQL stmt: SELECT DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('TABLE',:1) from dual
Error: AE_FGPY005_AET - SQL Error. Error Position: 0 Return: 4063 - ORA-04063: package body "SYS.DBMS_METADATA" has errors  

From database side we found after patch the database registry invalid.

SQL> select substr(comp_name,1,30) comp_name, substr(comp_id,1,10)
comp_id,substr(version,1,12) version,status from dba_registry; 2

------------------------------ ---------- ------------ -----------
Oracle Database Catalog Views CATALOG VALID
Oracle Database Packages and T CATPROC INVALID
Oracle Workspace Manager OWM VALID

SQL> select comp_id, status, version from dba_registry;

------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

The DBA has isolated the issue to invalid packages in the UMG92PRD database. Per Oracle's recommendation, we are going to run the catproc.sql to reset the packages. 

After applying the solution we are able to validate all the sys objects which were invalid, dbms metada is now valid. The catproc process completed successfully


HRMS 9.1 : COBOL compilation error after applying Tax update 15B

I have applied Tax update 15B for HRMS 9.1 application to Demo environment and while trying to do COBOL compilation getting the below error.

Note: This issue is not happening with prior tax update 15B version cobol programs.

PeopleTools: 8.53.12
Application : HRMS 9.1

E:\PeopleSoft\PSHDMO\setup>cblbld.bat E: \PeopleSoft\PSHDMO\compile
Compiling Tools and Application Cobol Programs
ASCII Cobol Compilations Proceeding
Logging progress to file E:\PeopleSoft\PSHDMO\compile\CBLBLD.LOG
COBOL compiler found in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Net Express 5.1\Base"
Target directory (E:\PeopleSoft\PSHDMO\CBLBINA) exists and is writable
Copying source files ...
Building the COBOL targets ...
File(s) that failed to compile or link:
Compile error for PSPTCALC.obj
Compile error for PSPUSTAX.obj

The error list is in E:\PeopleSoft\PSHDMO\compile\ERROR.LIS
Aborting this process !!! EXEs/GNTs/INTs are not going to be copied/replaced...
Please fix the errors and rerun this batch file !!!!!!!

The compile errors are reported in the file <programname>.lis
e.g in this scenario, the file PSPACCPR.lis will show the compile error(s).

This issue has been caused by incorrect version of copybook PSCTXLNK.cbl during cobol compile.The issue would be resolved by compiling with the correct copybook PSCTXLNK.cbl thus allowing the global compilation to complete successfully.I have gone through many Doc Id's given by support but unable to resolve the issue.

Finally create SR with Oracle and got the Solution.

Please try the following in a test environment.

1. Download tax update 14-E.
2. Extract cobol copybook PSCTXLNK.cbl and deploy to cobol source folder.
3. Perform global cobol compilation.
4. If the issue is resolved, please migrate the solution as appropriate to other environments.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Convert nVision Layouts From Excel 2003 To 2007 or 2010

Is there a tool/application to convert nVision layouts created in Excel 2003 to Excel 2007 or Excel 2010?

What about the PSNVSCONV tool?
Note this error can occur if the reports are not converted from Excel 2003 to Excel 2007 or 2010:
"The process either has abnormally terminated or failed to update the status in Process Request table.  Process Scheduler updated the status to 'ERROR'.
3856: 1354285550: PSPAL::Abort: Unrecoverable exception received
3856: 1354285550: PSPAL::Abort: Location: E:\pt85111b-retail\peopletools\src\pspal\exception_winunhandled.cpp:594: PSPAL::UnhandledExceptionFilter::UnrecoverableExceptionFilter
3856: 1354285550: PSPAL::Abort: Abort diagnostics generation is currently disabled
3856: 1354285550: PSPAL::Abort: Terminating process now."

The PSNVSCONV.exe tool should not be used to convert the Excel 2003 layouts to Excel 2007 or Excel 2010.

Instead utilize the Microsoft conversion utility, which is a free software toolset for use with previous Office versions to upgrade to Office 2007 and higher.

The software and documentation can be downloaded from:

2007 Microsoft Office System Migration Guidance: Microsoft Office Migration Planning Manager - MigrationPlanningManager.exe:
 - Installs a set of tools, which includes ofc.exe which does the bulk conversion.

Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File Formats - FileFormatConverters.exe:
 - This installs binaries which are required for format conversion.

Simple conversion steps:

1.   Download MigrationPlanningManager.exe and extract it into the folder: c:\ompm. If this location does not exist, please create it.
2.   Download and install the FileFormatConverters.exe Office Pack. This step is required even if Microsoft Office 2007 already installed on the computer.
3.   Go to C:\Office\tools, open ofc.ini file using Notepad and edit the following lines. 

   MacroControl=0  - Takes care of macros associated with the layouts.
   fldr=<PS_HOME>/nVision/Layouts  - This refers to the source folder location that contains the layouts to convert.
4.   Make a backup of all the layouts need to be converted and move them to a separate folder. 
5.   Rename all nVision layouts from *.xnv to *.xls. This is required because the utility does not recognize any file types other than Excel's native file types.
5a. Use the DOS prompt to rename the files:
i. Navigate to the appropriate directory.
ii. Issue the command: ren *.xnv *.xls
6.   Open a command prompt and go to C:\Office\Tools.
7.   Run ofc.exe. This utility will convert all Excel files present in the source folder specified in ofc.ini file to Excel 2007 format.
8.   Rename the layouts from *.xlsx or *.xlsm to *.xnv.
8a. Issue the DOS command:
i. ren *.xlsx *.xnv
ii. ren *.xlsm *.xnv

  - The conversion may fail for password-protected documents while doing a bulk conversion. These layouts should be manually converted.

To convert the layouts manually:

1. Open the layout in Excel 2007. 
2. Click on the Office Button on the upper-left corner. 
a. Click on Save As->Excel Workbook for layouts which do not contain macros.
b. Click on Save As->Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook for layouts containing macros.
3. Enter the name of the layout in double quotes: "<Layout Name>.xnv". 
4. Click on Save to complete the conversion. 
5. Close the layout. 
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each layout that needs to be converted.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

To Get a List of nVision Reports Run on the Scheduler with Layout Name, Last Run Time, Run Status etc.

You can find the information from Process Scheduler tables like PSPRCSQUE, PSPRCSPARMS, there is no specific table that stores such information just for nVision processes. In the PARMLIST field you can find the Layout name.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Micro Focus LMF - 010: Unable to contact license manager.

Start of compilation in PS_HOME (/data/PSOFT/HCMDEV)
/data/PSOFT/HCMDEV/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Compiling EGPCSRVC.cbl ...
 Micro Focus LMF - 010: Unable to contact license manager.                                                                                                                              This product has been unable to contact the                                     License Manager.                                                                                                                                                Execution of this product has been terminated.                                                                                                                  This product cannot execute without the License                                 Manager. Contact your license administrator                                     or refer to the 'Information Messages' chapter                                  of the License Management Facility                                              Administrator's Guide.               
cob64: error(s) in compilation: EGPCSRVC.cbl
cp: cannot stat `EGPCSRVC.gnt': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `EGPCSRVC.lst': No such file or directory
/data/PSOFT/HCMDEV/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Compiling EGPPRCTL.cbl ...
 Micro Focus LMF - 010: Unable to contact license manager.                                                                                                                              This product has been unable to contact the                                     License Manager.                                                                                                                                                Execution of this product has been terminated.                                                                                                                  This product cannot execute without the License                                 Manager. Contact your license administrator                                     or refer to the 'Information Messages' chapter                                  of the License Management Facility                                                                                   
cob64: error(s) in compilation: EGPPRCTL.cbl
cp: cannot stat `EGPPRCTL.gnt': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `EGPPRCTL.lst': No such file or directory
/data/PSOFT/HCMDEV/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Compiling EGPPRSQL.cbl ...
 Micro Focus LMF - 010: Unable to contact license manager.                                                                                                                              This product has been unable to contact the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 nse                                 Manager. Contact your license administrator                                                                              apter                                  of the License Management Facility                                                                                   
cob64: error(s) in compilation: EGPPRSQL.cbl
cp: cannot stat `EGPPRSQL.gnt': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `EGPPRSQL.lst': No such file or directory
/data/PSOFT/HCMDEV/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Compiling EGPSVC01.cbl ...
/data/PSOFT/HCMDEV/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Interrupt signal, Control-C, received,


1. Login to the server on which COBOL software has been installed as root user.

2. cd /data/Microfocus/mflmf
3. ./lmfgetpv
    License Manager is not running

4. ./mflmman
    License Manager version 130 Loaded from
5. ./lmfgetpv
    License Manager version 130

Monday, May 4, 2015

ORA-12557: TNS:protocol adapter not loadable

--  What causes the ORA-12577 error below?  I am running on Windows.
ORA-12557: TNS:protocol adapter not loadable
The ORA-12577 error is related to Windows Environment or Oracle Home PATH because sqlplus command works smoothly when I execute it inside ORACLE_HOME\bin.

Solution:  There are two solutions to this issue:
1 - put the Oracle DB Home in front of the other paths in the PATH environment variable.
2 - Remove ORACLE_HOME From environment Variable and re-boot PC

Change the order between Oracle Client Home and Oracle DB Home:

From: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\bin;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin;

To: C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin;C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\client_1\bin;

In other words, put the Oracle DB Home in front of the other path.