Thursday, May 21, 2015

Convert nVision Layouts From Excel 2003 To 2007 or 2010

Is there a tool/application to convert nVision layouts created in Excel 2003 to Excel 2007 or Excel 2010?

What about the PSNVSCONV tool?
Note this error can occur if the reports are not converted from Excel 2003 to Excel 2007 or 2010:
"The process either has abnormally terminated or failed to update the status in Process Request table.  Process Scheduler updated the status to 'ERROR'.
3856: 1354285550: PSPAL::Abort: Unrecoverable exception received
3856: 1354285550: PSPAL::Abort: Location: E:\pt85111b-retail\peopletools\src\pspal\exception_winunhandled.cpp:594: PSPAL::UnhandledExceptionFilter::UnrecoverableExceptionFilter
3856: 1354285550: PSPAL::Abort: Abort diagnostics generation is currently disabled
3856: 1354285550: PSPAL::Abort: Terminating process now."

The PSNVSCONV.exe tool should not be used to convert the Excel 2003 layouts to Excel 2007 or Excel 2010.

Instead utilize the Microsoft conversion utility, which is a free software toolset for use with previous Office versions to upgrade to Office 2007 and higher.

The software and documentation can be downloaded from:

2007 Microsoft Office System Migration Guidance: Microsoft Office Migration Planning Manager - MigrationPlanningManager.exe:
 - Installs a set of tools, which includes ofc.exe which does the bulk conversion.

Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File Formats - FileFormatConverters.exe:
 - This installs binaries which are required for format conversion.

Simple conversion steps:

1.   Download MigrationPlanningManager.exe and extract it into the folder: c:\ompm. If this location does not exist, please create it.
2.   Download and install the FileFormatConverters.exe Office Pack. This step is required even if Microsoft Office 2007 already installed on the computer.
3.   Go to C:\Office\tools, open ofc.ini file using Notepad and edit the following lines. 

   MacroControl=0  - Takes care of macros associated with the layouts.
   fldr=<PS_HOME>/nVision/Layouts  - This refers to the source folder location that contains the layouts to convert.
4.   Make a backup of all the layouts need to be converted and move them to a separate folder. 
5.   Rename all nVision layouts from *.xnv to *.xls. This is required because the utility does not recognize any file types other than Excel's native file types.
5a. Use the DOS prompt to rename the files:
i. Navigate to the appropriate directory.
ii. Issue the command: ren *.xnv *.xls
6.   Open a command prompt and go to C:\Office\Tools.
7.   Run ofc.exe. This utility will convert all Excel files present in the source folder specified in ofc.ini file to Excel 2007 format.
8.   Rename the layouts from *.xlsx or *.xlsm to *.xnv.
8a. Issue the DOS command:
i. ren *.xlsx *.xnv
ii. ren *.xlsm *.xnv

  - The conversion may fail for password-protected documents while doing a bulk conversion. These layouts should be manually converted.

To convert the layouts manually:

1. Open the layout in Excel 2007. 
2. Click on the Office Button on the upper-left corner. 
a. Click on Save As->Excel Workbook for layouts which do not contain macros.
b. Click on Save As->Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook for layouts containing macros.
3. Enter the name of the layout in double quotes: "<Layout Name>.xnv". 
4. Click on Save to complete the conversion. 
5. Close the layout. 
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for each layout that needs to be converted.

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