Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Installation of PeopleTools Patch

PeopleTools 8.53.04 Patch Installation Instructions


1. PeopleTools 8.53 installed
2. Database connectivity established


1.1. Create an Empty folder named pt85304 on your system.
1.2. Copy 85304.zip into pt85304 folder, and extract the contents of the ZIP file into this same folder.

2. Shut down any application servers, web servers, Process Scheduler servers, and EM Agents that are currently running
2.3. Stop EM Agents using <PS_HOME>\PSEMAgent\StopAgent.bat or /StopAgent.sh

3. Back up your existing PeopleTools 8.53 folders
3.1. Back up your existing <PS_HOME> and <PS_CFG_HOME> locations on all servers where PeopleTools 8.53 has been installed.
3.1.1. The variable <PS_HOME> refers to the location of the high-level directory where you have already installed PeopleTools 8.53.
3.1.2. The variable <PS_CFG_HOME> refers to the location of the high-level directory where your configuration files are stored. If the variable <PS_CFG_HOME> has not been explicitly set on your server to another location, it will default to $HOME/psft (Unix/Linux) and %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\psft (Windows).

4.1. For Windows:
4.1.1. Run \pt85304\cd85304\Disk1\setup.bat
4.1.2. Provide the license code you used to install the base PeopleTools 8.53 DVD/ZIP, and install the patched components to all of the appropriate PeopleSoft Servers (Application Server, Batch Server, Database Server, Web Server, and File Server).
4.1.3. Install the patch on top of your existing high-level PeopleSoft folder. (Note: Ensure you created a back-up of your <PS_HOME> as indicated in step 1 first, so that you can restore any pre-existing files or configuration if unforeseen trouble occurs.)

5. Update Your Database with Patch Version Information
5.1. Using PeopleTools 8.53.04 launch Data Mover and logon to your database as a PeopleSoft User.
5.2. Run the script <PS_HOME>\scripts\ptpatch.dms (Note: This script can only be run once per database per patch. If you reapply this patch to the same database, do not run this script again.)

6. Install Database Changes Included in this Patch
6.1. Using PeopleTools 8.53.04, launch Application Designer, and sign on to the database as a PeopleSoft User.
6.2. Select <Tools>, <Copy Project>, <From File>
6.3. Enter <PS_HOME>\projects and select PATCH853 from the list of projects.
6.4. Select <Options> and highlight the languages <Common> and <English> ONLY.
6.5. Select <Copy> to begin copying updated PeopleTools objects to your database.
6.6. To alter PeopleSoft PeopleTools tables and create PeopleTools views select Build, Project.
6.7. Select Create Tables, Create Views, and Alter Tables in the Build Options region (Create Indexes and Create Trigger will automatically be selected).
6.8. Select Build script file in the Build Execute Options region.
6.9. Click Settings and select the Scripts tab.
6.10. Select Write Alter comments to script. Enter script file name(s) in the Script File Names region.
6.11. Select the Alter tab and ensure that the Adds, Changes, Renames, and Deletes check boxes are selected in the Alter Any region. Drop column if data present should be selected in the Drop Column Options region and Truncate data if field too short should be selected in the Change Column Length Options region. Make sure that the option Alter by Table Rename is selected in the Alter Table Options region.
6.12. Select the Create tab and ensure that the Skip table if it already exists, Recreate view if it already exists, and Recreate index only if modified options are selected. Click OK.
6.13. When the Build dialog box reappears, Click Build.
6.14. Click Close when the process is completed.

7. Load PeopleTools Messages and Data Project
7.1. Logon to Data Mover in bootstrap mode as the database owner using PT 8.53.04
7.2. Run <PS_HOME>\scripts\msgtlsupg.dms to load the updated messages into your database.
7.2.1. Note: If message catalog changes have not been made in PT 8.53 by the time this patch is released, the MSGTLSUPG.DMS script may not exist in the <PS_HOME>\scripts folder and this entire step can be skipped.
7.3. Exit Data Mover.

9. Completing Installation and configuring this PeopleTools Patch
9.1. Reinstall any products as needed from the following folders:
9.1.1. Change Assistant: <PS_HOME>\setup\PsCA
9.1.2. PeopleSoft Internet Architecture (PIA): <PS_HOME>\setup\PsMpPIAInstall Choose 'Redeploy PeopleSoft Internet Architecture' when prompted
9.1.3 PeopleSoft Test Framework <PS_HOME>\setup\PsTestFramework
9.1.4 PeopleSoft Client - <PS_HOME>\setup\Client\Disk1 (Note: If you installed this PeopleTools Patch on UNIX or Linux, you can copy the complete “Client” directory structure (found inside <PS_HOME\setup\Client) to a Microsoft Windows machine. You can then share that Client installer location out across the network for anyone who needs to re-install the PeopleSoft Client locally.)
9.2. Clear Rowset Cache - Log in to Data Mover and run <PS_HOME>\scripts\clear_rowset_cache.dms, which removes RowsetCache objects from the database. The structure of RowsetCache objects may not be compatible across PeopleTools Patches and releases. After clearing your current RowsetCache, new RowsetCache objects will automatically be generated. In addition to the next step of clearing your App Server cache, this will ensure proper operation of your application with the new PeopleTools release.
9.3. Purge all App Server and Web Server cache. (Knowledge Management document <Document: 753215.1> has more details on purging if needed.)
9.4. Download PT85304_2of2.zip and Unzip to temporary folder c:\temp\signed. Please replace the following binaries in your PS_HOME as described below:
9.4.1. Copy psnxl.dll to folder <PS_HOME>\bin\client\winx86  
9.4.2. Copy PTLaunchXSLMapper.jar to folder:
PIA HOME>\webserv\peoplesoft\applications\peoplesoft\PORTAL.war\<web site name>\xmlp
9.4.3. Copy pCti.cab file and pCti.jar to folder:
<PIA_HOME>\webserv\<domain name>\applications\peoplesoft\PORTAL.war\ps\pCti
These binary files are signed binaries that need to be replaced with the non signed binaries existing in this current 8.53.03 patch. Not replacing these binaries will not lead to any functional issues in your environment.
9.5. Re-Create your Application Server Domain(s). You must recreate your Application Server Domains after applying any PeopleTools Patch. You can typically use the same name and all of the same information as was in-use prior to the application of this patch, but you must recreate the domain and not just copy the old configuration file as corruption can occur in some instances.
9.6. Re-start your Application server(s), Batch server(s), Web Server(s), and EM Agents.

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